True story.
Webcomics featuring Sedna
0022 – nebula
So this will probably be the most colourful comic for a while. FYI, if you’re looking to get into digital painting, nebulae are easy to do and look good even if you suck at art (case in point: me). I’m not a big fan of the airbrush tool, but in this case it works really well.
Also, ‘scientists being bad at naming things’ is a joke with so much material, I probably won’t be able to resist doing another comic on it.
Some day.
We’ll see.
0021 – skyrocket
I have a feeling this comic wouldn’t translate into another language particularly well.
0020 – phase
Real men don’t outgrow dinosaurs.
0019 – budget
Here we see the first appearance of Sedna’s favourite video game: Gerbil Space Program!
…which is a totally fictional game which I completely made up and didn’t base on anything at all.
0018 – small moon
I love comics with Sedna daydreaming because they always have spaceships. I like drawing spaceships.
0017 – different
I can’t understand people observant enough to notice haircuts. When one of my friends got a nose piercing it took me a week to notice.
0016 – daydream
Hairdressers man.
The ‘tax return’ one is a true story, by the way. A small part of me wanted to know the answer.
0015 – hairdresser
Thinking about fashion takes up precious mental capacity that Sedna could otherwise be using for memorising neutron star facts.
Did you know neutron stars can spin up to 716 times a minute? WHAAAT?!
0014 – trim
Sedna has a lot of hair.
I should probably point out, 「these weird looking brackets」 are Japanese quotation marks, which I’m using to indicate that the person is talking in Japanese. Hopefully they’re not too distracting.