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orbit published on 2 Comments on orbit

despite what some hollywood movies where rockets fly up and miraculously start floating around tell you, almost all spaceships and satellites that stay in space are in an orbit. if you’re not orbiting a planet/moon/star you’re probably either flying away from it, or about to crash into it.

another way to think of this is spaceships don’t experience “zero gravity”, but “zero g-force”. right now you are experiencing 1g of g-force, because gravity is pushing you into the ground. if you jumped into the air you would feel 0g of g-force… until you hit the ground.

a spaceship in orbit never hits the ground, so it constantly experiences 0g. essentially it is falling… forever.

rocket fuel

rocket fuel published on No Comments on rocket fuel

essentially, most rockets use liquid fuel, while most boosters strapped on the side of the rocket use solid fuel (like on the space shuttle). boosters are a cheap way of adding more “boom” to your rocket, but they’re so inefficient you probably don’t want to carry them all the way to space.

there’s also hybrid fuel (solid fuel + liquid oxygen) which i didn’t mention because not a lot of rockets use it, and 4 panels isn’t a lot of real estate. it’s sort of a compromise between the two, and its what virgin galactic use for the spaceshiptwo.

of course “liquid fuel” can mean any one of a whole bunch of very different chemicals (hydrogen, methane, kerosene, etc) but that’s a comic for another day.

space agency headquarters

space agency headquarters published on 2 Comments on space agency headquarters

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

finally another slice of life illustration! these are way easier than drawing dinosaurs or spaceships.

this one probably doesn’t have as nice colours or composition as some of my other illustrations, but i sure had a blast adding all the little easter eggs around sedna’s room (i wonder if any rocket nerds will notice anything… familiar about some of sedna’s rocket designs). :P

who is sedna’s dad?

who is sedna’s dad? published on No Comments on who is sedna’s dad?

one more character checked off the “who is ___?” comic list.

i sure hope sedna’s dad has a really good car insurance policy.