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like mother like daughter

like mother like daughter published on 1 Comment on like mother like daughter

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

another day, another illustration i probably should’ve planned ahead better instead of winging it and hoping i’d figure it all out along the way. i think it came out a bit too blue and visually noisy (but hey, it’s not the worst thing i’ve ever drawn).

as some of you may know, this is actually based on a real window on the international space station in the “cupola” module, which has by far the greatest view of any window on earth (or off earth, in this case). the actual window is a tiny bit little smaller than this one though, and probably doesn’t have as much random garbage floating around most of the time.

arrival at mercury

arrival at mercury published on 2 Comments on arrival at mercury

(click here for a high resolution version of this illustration)

i thought it would be fun to do a series of drawings depicting what a future where humanity has colonised the solar system might look like, so for today’s illustration i started with the planet mercury.

here you can see an armada of spaceships approaching a city hidden inside the craters on the north pole where the sun never reaches and even water ice can be found. of course, mercury isn’t exactly the most hospitable of places in the universe even with a permanent shelter from the sun, so it would probably be more useful as a scientific outpost rather than an actual colony (like antarctica), but given all the volatile materials blasted onto the mercurian surface by the sun i suspect geologists would have plenty of science to do.

doing wildly different styles and subject matters for each illustration has really impressed upon me why so many popular online creators have found one thing that they can absolutely nail and do it over and over again. trying new things is hard. especially when you have no idea how you’re going to get to the finish line. i just hope it pays off and i actually get better at illustration cuz i’m way too lazy to keep challenging myself like this forever.

event horizon

event horizon published on 3 Comments on event horizon

hopefully non-aussies know what a hills hoist clothesline is, or this comic is gonna be real confusing.

i would be amiss if i failed to mention that ‘spaghettification’ is a real scientific term that you should totally drop whatever you’re doing and google right now. it refers to when the extreme tidal forces of a black hole stretch you into a long skinny noodles should you get too close. well, more likely it would just shred you to pieces, and you would have been well cooked by extreme heat and radiation long before you even got there, but hey, you’d be a tad too dead to appreciate the difference either way.

just stay away from black holes kids. they’re not your friends.

far side of the moon

far side of the moon published on No Comments on far side of the moon

people call it the ‘dark side of the moon’, but because it has almost no maria it’s technically brighter than the near side.

pink floyd lied to us all.