Hey mates!
After getting a bunch of messages from some of you lovely chaps, I’ve finally gone full webcomic and started a PATREON PAGE FOR SEDNA! YAYYY! :D
Rewards include early access to Sedna comics, bonus behind-the-scenes content, patron-only blog posts, free avatars drawn by me, and more (depending on what tier you choose). Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to add new rewards like merchandise, tutorials, free signed books, etc, but for now I’m starting small.
So if you want to support this comic and keep the space and dinosaurs comics coming, or if you just want to see how I make them and steal all my secrets, click here to become a patron.
Of course, Sedna is still free to read and will remain so until at least the heat death of the universe, so no pressure guys. If you want to support Sedna but don’t have any money to spare, or you have money but would much rather spend it on better webcomics than this one, just read Sedna and tell your friends about it! Even that goes a long way. :)