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event horizon

event horizon published on 3 Comments on event horizon

hopefully non-aussies know what a hills hoist clothesline is, or this comic is gonna be real confusing.

i would be amiss if i failed to mention that ‘spaghettification’ is a real scientific term that you should totally drop whatever you’re doing and google right now. it refers to when the extreme tidal forces of a black hole stretch you into a long skinny noodles should you get too close. well, more likely it would just shred you to pieces, and you would have been well cooked by extreme heat and radiation long before you even got there, but hey, you’d be a tad too dead to appreciate the difference either way.

just stay away from black holes kids. they’re not your friends.


narration: commander sedna bravely veers closer and closer to the black hole. the tidal forces threaten to spaghettify her ship and tear it apart.

narration: nearing the event horizon, the point of no escape, she must orbit the black hole at near the speed of light to avoid being sucked in.

sedna: approaching light speed!

Webcomic Transcript Authorsthomas


Love me some spaghetti! I did not believe my teacher at first when he called it that.

And don’t worry about that last panel; I have never seen one of those but I figured it out pretty quick when I noticed the clothes flying everywhere :D

Spaghettification is a rare example of scientists absolutely nailing naming something (and there’s a comic about that topic coming soon, don’t worry).
Swinging around on these clotheslines is basically a right of passage in Australia. Figured I had to educate the world about our culture a little. XD

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