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helium-3 published on No Comments on helium-3

helium-3 is theoretically useful for nuclear fusion (instead of fission), a technology which still isn’t yet viable, and even if it becomes so, it might just be cheaper and easier to build a bunch of solar panels and batteries on earth than set up a mining operation on the moon. still, it makes for a neat science fiction concept, which is something i guess.

and yes, technically i just made a sequel to the comic “helium” called “helium-3”. hire me, microsoft.


sedna: helium with only one neutron is called helium-3, an isotope which we could maybe use to make safe nuclear power.

sedna: it’s rare on earth, but everywhere in gas giants. there’s also tonnes of it on the moon where it’s been captured from solar wind.

sedna: in the future we could have huge colonies on the moon or in the atmosphere of jupiter mining helium-3 to power our cities on earth.

sedna: imagine how much more we could explore the universe if people thought they could make money from it.

Webcomic Transcript Authorsthomas

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