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k-pg extinction

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maybe the reason dini always looks a little down is that he’s having a perpetual existential crisis over the fact that him being alive is a direct result of the dinosaurs being dead. life can be a bit of a cruel irony sometimes.

sidenote, if the phanerozoic eon was a movie trilogy, i’m pretty sure the movies would be named:
paleozoic: rise of the animals
mesozoic: the dinosaurs strike back
cenozoic: return of the mammals


dini: 66 million years ago, an asteroid crashed into the yucatan peninsula in mexico.

dini: the sky was covered in ash, oceans acidified, plants died, and 75% of all species, including all non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. the mesozoic, the age of reptiles, was over.

dini: b-but from this disaster, the mammals evolved to fill all the empty niches, including us humans. w-without the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs, n-none of us would be here today.

sedna: …so it was worth it then?
dini: oh, h-heck no.

Webcomic Transcript Authorsthomas

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