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vulcan published on No Comments on vulcan

i really need to stop trying to explain complex relativity concepts in like two panels. i can barely fit the text.

interestingly the guy who speculated about the existence of vulcan wasn’t just any random astronmer. it was urbain le verrier, who used the exact same method to predict the existence of neptune based on the orbit of uranus in 1846. so statistically speaking when he said “there might be a planet here”, until then he was right 100% of the time.


sedna: in 1859, an astronomer noticed that mercury’s orbit was acting funny, and thought there might be an undiscovered planet called “vulcan” near the sun whose gravity was pulling on it.

sedna: but then in 1915, einstein proved it wasn’t vulcan, it was actually caused by spacetime curving, and used mercury to prove his new theory of general relativity.

sedna: now we have televisions, g.p.s, and the internet, thanks to people studying the orbit of a dead rock in space.

sedna: and that’s why we study everything in science.

Webcomic Transcript Authorsthomas

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